Database of cinema, music, history and literature

guest house paradiso (1999)

Original title: guest house paradiso
Production: UK|90 min|
Comedy, Crazy
at the guest house paradiso hotel are interwoven episodes with crazy characters, starting with the two managers.


Production and Screenplay

Rik MayallRik Mayallsceneggiatore
Phil Mcintyreproduttore
Adrian EdmondsonAdrian Edmondsonsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Richie Twat, gestore
Rik MayallRik Mayall(età:41)
Eddie Elizabeth Ndingombaba, gestore
Gino Bolognese
Gina Carbonara, attrice
Bill NighyBill Nighy(età:50)
Kate AshfieldKate Ashfield(età:27)
Lisa PalfreyLisa Palfrey(età:32)
Sophia MylesSophia Myles(età:19)
Simon PeggSimon Pegg(età:29)

Technical staff

Sean Bartonmontatore
Alan Almonddirettore della fotografia
Colin Townsmusiche
ManTom Brownscenografo