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guilty as charged (1991)

Original title: guilty as charged
95 min
Poster of movie guilty as charged
a female parole officer discovers a secret death row prison under a meat plant, that's being run by the plant's unhinged vigilante owner and his reverend friend. a politician with a shady past becomes its latest "guest".

Festivals and awards


Sam Irvinregista

Production and Screenplay

Paul Colichmanproduttore esecutivo
Harold Welbproduttore esecutivo
Charles Galesceneggiatore
Charles Galescrittore
Mark L. LesterMark L. Lesterproduttore
Miles a. copeland Iiiproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Earl BoenEarl Boen(età:46)
Gilbert Lewis(età:116)
Irwin KeyesIrwin Keyes(età:39)
Lyman Ward(età:50)
Rod SteigerRod Steiger(età:66)
Lauren HuttonLauren Hutton(età:48)
Isaac HayesIsaac Hayes(età:49)
Michael BeachMichael Beach(età:28)
Mitch PileggiMitch Pileggi(età:39)
Sam Irvin(età:35)
Billy Beck(età:71)
Bill Randolph(età:38)
James Dybas(età:47)
Jimmy Ortega(età:34)
Freda Payne(età:49)

Technical staff

Richard Michalakdirettore della fotografia
Kevin Tentmontatore
Steve Bartekmusiche
Starr Jonestruccatore
Dan Yarhiscenografo
Angela Moosparrucchiere
Byrnadette Disantoscenografo

Voices and Dubbing