Database of cinema, music, history and literature

halloween 2 (2009)

Original title: halloween 2
Production: USA
Thriller, Dramatic
This movie is episode 10 of the series halloween composed by:
This movie is episode 2 of the series halloween beginning composed by:


Rob ZombieRob Zombieregista

Production and Screenplay

Rob ZombieRob Zombieproduttore
Rob ZombieRob Zombiesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Scout Taylor-comptonScout Taylor-compton(età:20)
(laurie strode/angel myers)
Malcolm McdowellMalcolm Mcdowell(età:66)
(dott. samuel loomis)
Danielle HarrisDanielle Harris(età:32)
(annie brackett)
Brad DourifBrad Dourif(età:59)
(sceriffo lee brackett)
Angela TrimburAngela Trimbur(età:28)
Sheri MoonSheri Moon(età:39)
(deborah myers)
Daniel RoebuckDaniel Roebuck(età:46)
(big lou)
Octavia SpencerOctavia Spencer(età:37)
(infermiera daniels)
Chase Wright vanek
(michael myers a 10 anni)
Brea GrantBrea Grant(età:28)
Margot KidderMargot Kidder(età:61)
Sean WhalenSean Whalen(età:45)
Richard BrakeRichard Brake(età:45)

Technical staff

Garreth StoverGarreth Stoverscenografo
Glenn Garlandmontatore
Tyler BatesTyler Batesmusiche
Brandon Trostdirettore della fotografia
Adrienne Lynntruccatore
Lori Mazuercostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Music tracks of the soundtrack