Database of cinema, music, history and literature

halloween 4 - the return of michael myers (1988)

Original title: halloween 4 - the return of michael myers
Production: USA|88 min
Horror, Dramatic, Thriller
This movie is episode 4 of the series halloween composed by:

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Moustapha AkkadMoustapha Akkadproduttore
Alan B. Mcelroysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

dott. sam loomis
jamie lloyd
rachel carruthers (raquel nella versione italiana)
Ellie Cornell(età:25)
sceriffo ben meeker
Beau StarrBeau Starr(età:44)
Michael Myers
kelly meeker
dott. hoffman
richard carruthers
Jeff Olson(età:36)
darlene carruthers
Gene Ross(età:58)
jack sayer
Carmen Filpi(età:65)
tommy doyle
lindsey wallace
michael myers a 6 anni

Technical staff

John CarpenterJohn Carpentermusiche
Curtiss Claytonmontatore
Peter Lyons Collisterdirettore della fotografia
Wayne Totheffetti speciali
Alan HowarthAlan Howarthmusiche
Roger Crandallscenografo
Susan Reyestruccatore
Diane F. memmotttruccatore
Rosalie Wallacecostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1988)

Music tracks of the soundtrack