Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Hamlet at Elsinore [filmTV] (1964)

Original title: hamlet at elsinore
170 min| black and white| tv movie
Poster of movie Hamlet at Elsinore [filmTV]

Origin of the subject


Philip Savilleregista

Production and Screenplay

Peter Lukeproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Christopher PlummerChristopher Plummer(età:37)
Donald SutherlandDonald Sutherland(età:30)
Michael CaineMichael Caine(età:31)
Robert ShawRobert Shaw(età:37)
Alec ClunesAlec Clunes(età:52)
Dyson Lovell(età:28)
Michael Goldie(età:32)
Bill Wallis(età:28)
June Tobin
David Calderisi(età:24)
David SwiftDavid Swift(età:45)
Lindsay KempLindsay Kemp(età:26)
Philip Locke(età:36)
Roy KinnearRoy Kinnear(età:30)
Peter Prowse(età:40)

Technical staff

Olive Harriscostumista
Arnt Thompsen Paulscenografo
Paul Arnt thompsenscenografo
Paul Arnt thompsenarredatore