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happy death day 2u (2019)

Original title: happy death day 2u
Production: USA|100 min
Horror, Thriller, Dramatic, Science fiction
Poster of movie happy death day 2u
tree gelbman discovers that dying over and over was surprisingly easier than the dangers that lie ahead.
This movie is episode 2 of the series happy death day composed by:


Production and Screenplay

John Baldecchiproduttore esecutivo
Christopher B. landonsceneggiatore
Kay Turnerproduttore
Jason Blumproduttore
Christopher Landonscrittore
Samson Muckeproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

carter davis
danielle bouseman
david gelbman
gregory butler
lori spengler
Ruby ModineRuby Modine(età:29)
ryan phan
stephanie butler
tree gelbman
Jessica RotheJessica Rothe(età:32)
julie gelbman
Missy YagerMissy Yager(età:51)
dean bronson
Steve ZissisSteve Zissis(età:44)
samar ghosh
Suraj SharmaSuraj Sharma(età:26)
dre morgan
Sarah Yarkin(età:26)
Jack Harris(età:114)
Jonathan Pal(età:27)
Sarah Bennani(età:20)

Technical staff

Bill Boesscenografo
Terri Taylorcasting
Mccreary BearMccreary Bearmusiche
Andrew W. bofingerarredatore
Toby OliverToby Oliverdirettore della fotografia
Whitney Anne Adamscostumista
William Spatarotruccatore
Ben Baudhuinmontatore
Ashley Levytruccatore
Allison Shepherdparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2019)

Music tracks of the soundtrack