Database of cinema, music, history and literature

he ran all the way (1951)

Original title: he ran all the way
Production: USA|77 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Crime


John BerryJohn Berryregista

Production and Screenplay

Hugo Butlersceneggiatore
Guy Endoresceneggiatore
Dalton TrumboDalton Trumbosceneggiatore
Bob Robertsproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Nick Rocco
John GarfieldJohn Garfield(età:39)
wallace ford
Wallace FordWallace Ford(età:53)
selena royle
Selena RoyleSelena Royle(età:47)
gladys george
Gladys George(età:51)
norman lloyd
Norman LloydNorman Lloyd(età:37)
bobby hyatt
vicky raaf
Vici RaafVici Raaf(età:30)
Robert KarnesRobert Karnes(età:34)
Clancy CooperClancy Cooper(età:45)

Technical staff

Franz WaxmanFranz Waxmanmusiche
James Wong howeJames Wong howedirettore della fotografia
Edward G. Boylescenografo
Francis D. LyonFrancis D. Lyonmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1951)