Database of cinema, music, history and literature

head above water (1996)

Original title: head above water
Production: USA|92 min|
Thriller, Comedy, Grotesque
Poster of movie head above water


Jim Wilsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Jim Wilsonproduttore
Theresa Mariesceneggiatore
John M.jacobsenproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Harvey KeitelHarvey Keitel(età:57)
Cameron DiazCameron Diaz(età:24)
Craig ShefferCraig Sheffer(età:36)
Shay Duffin(età:65)
Billy ZaneBilly Zane(età:30)

Technical staff

Colleen AtwoodColleen Atwoodcostumista
Jeffrey Beecroftscenografo
Richard Bowendirettore della fotografia
Michael R. millermontatore
Bernadette Mazurtruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1996)