Database of cinema, music, history and literature

hear my song (1991)

Original title: hear my song
Production: UK| black and white
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie hear my song
owner of a failing club seeks infamous irish singer josef locke in order to bring business and success to his club

Festivals and awards


Peter ChelsomPeter Chelsomregista

Production and Screenplay

Adrian DunbarAdrian Dunbarsceneggiatore
Adrian DunbarAdrian Dunbarscrittore
Peter ChelsomPeter Chelsomsceneggiatore
Peter ChelsomPeter Chelsomscrittore
David Brownproduttore
Alison Owen allenproduttore
Simon Fieldsproduttore esecutivo
Alison Owenproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

micky o'neill
Adrian DunbarAdrian Dunbar(età:33)
Adrian DunbarAdrian Dunbar(età:33)
jo locke
Ned BeattyNed Beatty(età:54)
mr. x
nancy doyle
Jim Abbott
James NesbittJames Nesbitt(età:26)
Pat Laffan(età:52)
Brian Mcgrath(età:48)
Harold Berens(età:88)
Frank KellyFrank Kelly(età:53)
John Dair(età:58)
Mary Macleod(età:54)
Anna Manahan(età:67)

Technical staff

John Altmanmusiche
Lindy Hemmingcostumista
Kave Quinnscenografo
Caroline Hananiascenografo
Sue Gibsondirettore della fotografia
Martin WalshMartin Walshmontatore
Ailbhe Lemasstruccatore
Anne Dunneparrucchiere
Carole Dunneparrucchiere
Toni Delaneytruccatore
Jane Frisbycasting