Database of cinema, music, history and literature

heartless (2009)

Original title: heartless
Production: UK|114 min
Thriller, Horror
Poster of movie heartless


Philip Ridleyregista

Production and Screenplay

Philip Ridleysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

jamie morgan
Jim SturgessJim Sturgess(età:31)
Noel ClarkeNoel Clarke(età:34)
lee morgan
raymond morgan
uomo delle armi
Eddie MarsanEddie Marsan(età:41)
papa b
Joseph MawleJoseph Mawle(età:35)
marion morgan
george morgan
Timothy SpallTimothy Spall(età:52)
Jack Gordon(età:103)

Technical staff

David Julyanmusiche
Chris Gillmontatore
Jo Thompsoncostumista
Paul Knightmontatore
Ricky Eyresscenografo
Matt Graydirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)