Database of cinema, music, history and literature

heaven (2002)

Original title: heaven
Production: Germany, Italy|97 min
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
when four innocent people die in an attack in turin, the english teacher philippa is arrested. she claims to have acted not for a political motive but to kill a drug dealer who had harmed her husband and many of her students. the inexperienced carabiniere filippo, madly in love with the woman, puts his career and life at risk to save her.
This movie is episode 1 of the series paradiso, purgatorio, inferno di kieslowski composed by:

Festivals and awards


Tom TykwerTom Tykwerregista

Production and Screenplay

Krzysztof KieslowskiKrzysztof Kieslowskisceneggiatore
Anthony MinghellaAnthony Minghellaproduttore
Krzysztof PiesiewiczKrzysztof Piesiewiczsceneggiatore
Frederique DumasFrederique Dumasproduttore
William HorbergWilliam Horbergproduttore
Stefan Arndtproduttore
Maria KopfMaria Kopfproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

maggiore pini
colonnello, padre di filippo
Remo GironeRemo Girone(età:54)
ufficiale in borghese
maresciallo dei carabinieri
sottufficiale dei carabinieri
Max GiustiMax Giusti(età:34)
Mauro MarinoMauro Marino(età:44)

Technical staff

Frank Griebedirettore della fotografia
Uli Hanischscenografo
Mathilde BonnefoyMathilde Bonnefoymontatore
Marius Ruhlandmusiche
Arvo Pärtmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2002)