Database of cinema, music, history and literature

heaven knows, mister hallison (1957)

Original title: heaven knows
Production: USA|107 min|
Action, War

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1958 - nomination miglior attrice
Assigned to: Deborah Kerr

Origin of the subject


John HustonJohn Hustonregista

Production and Screenplay

John HustonJohn Hustonsceneggiatore
John Lee Mahinsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

suor Angela
Deborah KerrDeborah Kerr(età:36)
capitano Allison

Technical staff

Ray Kelloggeffetti speciali
Russell Lloydmontatore
Oswald MorrisOswald Morrisdirettore della fotografia
Elizabeth Haffendencostumista
Georges AuricGeorges Auricmusiche
George Frosttruccatore
Stephen Grimesscenografo

Voices and Dubbing