Database of cinema, music, history and literature

hit man (1972)

Original title: hit man
Production: UK, USA|90 min
Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie hit man
a lawyer whose brother was murdered winds up getting involved with gangsters and the world of porno movies.


George ArmitageGeorge Armitageregista

Production and Screenplay

George ArmitageGeorge Armitagesceneggiatore
Gene Cormanproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Bernie Casey(età:33)
Paul GleasonPaul Gleason(età:33)
John LuptonJohn Lupton(età:44)
Pam GrierPam Grier(età:23)
Bob Harris(età:49)
Jerry Jones(età:45)
Sam Laws(età:48)
Lisa Moore(età:32)
Ed Cambridge(età:52)
Don DiamondDon Diamond(età:51)
Marilyn Joi(età:27)
Luther Fear(età:36)
Candy All(età:18)

Technical staff

Andrew Davisdirettore della fotografia
Jodie Lynn tillencostumista
Morton Tubormontatore
Lynn Griffinscenografo
H.b. Barnummusiche