Database of cinema, music, history and literature

holiday in the sun (2001)

Original title: holiday in the sun
Production: USA|87 min


Steve Purcellregista

Production and Screenplay

Brent Goldbergsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Mary-kate OlsenMary-kate Olsen(età:15)
(madison stewart)
Ashley OlsenAshley Olsen(età:15)
(alex stewart)
Austin NicholsAustin Nichols(età:21)
(griffen graysun)
Ben EasterBen Easter(età:22)
(jordan landers)
Markus Flanagan(età:37)
Jamie RoseJamie Rose(età:41)
Jeff AltmanJeff Altman(età:50)
Wendy SchaalWendy Schaal(età:47)
Billy Aaron brownBilly Aaron brown(età:20)
Sterling Rice(età:11)
Megan FoxMegan Fox(età:15)
(brianna wallace)

Technical staff

Steve PorcaroSteve Porcaromusiche
Sherwood Jonesmontatore
David Lewisdirettore della fotografia
Batia Grafkascenografo