Database of cinema, music, history and literature

home of the brave - eroi senza gloria (2006)

Original title: home of the brave
Production: USA|105 min
Dramatic, Action, War
Poster of movie home of the brave - eroi senza gloria

Festivals and awards

Historical episodes of setting


Irwin Winklerregista

Production and Screenplay

Mark Friedmansceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

will marsh
vanessa price
Jessica BielJessica Biel(età:24)
tommy yates
Brian Presley(età:29)
jamal aiken
50 Cent50 Cent(età:31)
penelope marsh
jordan owens
sarah schivino
Vyto RuginisVyto Ruginis(età:50)
Jon BernthalJon Bernthal(età:30)
Sam Jones iiiSam Jones iii(età:23)
Brendan WayneBrendan Wayne(età:34)

Technical staff

Warren Alan youngscenografo
Tony Pierce-robertsdirettore della fotografia
Clayton Halseymontatore
Julieann Getmanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2006)