Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Hop-a-Long Cassidy (1935)

Original title: hop-a-long cassidy
60 min| black and white
Action, Western, Dramatic
Poster of movie Hop-a-Long Cassidy
This movie is episode 1 of the series Hopalong Cassidy composed by:

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Harry Shermanproduttore
Doris Schroedersceneggiatore
Harrison Jacobsdialoghi
George Greenproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Hopalong Cassidy
johnny nelson
Mary Meeker
Paula Stone(età:23)
Uncle Ben
John Merton(età:34)
Frank CampeauFrank Campeau(età:71)
Willie FungWillie Fung(età:39)
Jim Mason(età:46)
Pascale Perry(età:40)
Sid Jordan(età:46)
Joe Phillips(età:22)

Technical staff

Archie Stoutdirettore della fotografia
Edward Schroedermontatore