Database of cinema, music, history and literature

hotel new hampshire (1984)

Original title: hotel new hampshire
Production: USA|108 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie hotel new hampshire

Origin of the subject


Tony Richardsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Tony Richardsonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Rob LoweRob Lowe(età:20)
(john berry)
Jodie FosterJodie Foster(età:22)
(frannie berry)
Paul McCranePaul McCrane(età:23)
(frank berry)
Beau BridgesBeau Bridges(età:43)
(mr. win berry)
Lisa BanesLisa Banes(età:29)
(mrs. berry)
Jennifer Dundas(età:13)
(lilly berry)
Seth GreenSeth Green(età:10)
('egg' berry)
Wally Aspell
(Hotel manager)
Nastassja KinskiNastassja Kinski(età:24)
Joely RichardsonJoely Richardson(età:19)
Wallace ShawnWallace Shawn(età:41)
Dorsey WrightDorsey Wright(età:27)
Jonelle AllenJonelle Allen(età:40)

Technical staff

David WatkinDavid Watkindirettore della fotografia
Jocelyn Herbertscenografo
Robert K. lambertmontatore
Raymond LeppardRaymond Leppardmusiche