Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Hour of the Gun (1967)

Original title: hour of the gun
Production: USA|100 min
Action, Western, Dramatic
Poster of movie Hour of the Gun

Historical episodes of setting


John SturgesJohn Sturgesregista

Production and Screenplay

John SturgesJohn Sturgesproduttore
Edward AnhaltEdward Anhaltsceneggiatore
Edward AnhaltEdward Anhaltscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Robert RyanRobert Ryan(età:58)
(Ike Clanton)
Frank Converse(età:29)
(Virgil Earp)
Jorge Russek(età:35)
Monte MarkhamMonte Markham(età:32)
(sherman mcmasters)
Austin Willis(età:50)
(anson safford)
Jon VoightJon Voight(età:29)
(curly bill brocius)
Karl SwensonKarl Swenson(età:59)
(dr. charles goodfellow)
Robert Phillips(età:42)
(frank stilwell)
William SchallertWilliam Schallert(età:45)
(herman spicer)
Charles AidmanCharles Aidman(età:42)
(horace sullivan)
Bill Fletcher
(jimmy bryan)
Larry GatesLarry Gates(età:52)
(john p. clum)
Edward AnhaltEdward Anhalt(età:53)
(medico di denver)
Albert SalmiAlbert Salmi(età:39)
(octavius roy)
William WindomWilliam Windom(età:44)
(texas jack vermillion)
Richard BullRichard Bull(età:43)
(thomas fitch)
Lonny ChapmanLonny Chapman(età:47)
(turkey creek johnson)
Sam Melville(età:31)
Michael Tolan(età:42)
Charlene Holt(età:39)
Steve IhnatSteve Ihnat(età:33)
David Perna(età:32)

Technical staff

Jerry GoldsmithJerry Goldsmithmusiche
ManFerris Webstermontatore
Lucien BallardLucien Ballarddirettore della fotografia
Alfred Ybarrascenografo
Lynn StalmasterLynn Stalmastercasting
Rafael Suarezarredatore
ManCharles Blackmantruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1967)