house arrest (1996)
Original title: house arrest
Production: USA|108 min
Comedy, Crazy
Harry Winer: regista
Production and Screenplay
Michael Hitchcock: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
gregory "grover" beindorf
Kyle Howard(età:18)
stacy beindorf
janet beindorf
Jamie Lee Curtis(età:38)
ned beindorf
Kevin Pollak(età:39)
matthew "matt" finley
victor "vic" finley
Wallace Shawn(età:53)
louise finley
Caroline Aaron(età:44)
jimmy finley
teddy finley
theodore joseph "t.j." krupp
donald krupp
Christopher Mcdonald(età:20)
gwen krupp
Sheila Mccarthy(età:40)
brooke figler
Jennifer Love hewitt(età:17)
cindy figler
Jennifer Tilly(età:38)
ralph doyle
Benjamin J.stein(età:52)
ben stein
Benjamin J.stein(età:52)
Ray Walston(età:82)
Shelley Hack(età:49)
K. Todd Freeman(età:31)
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(1996)
George Castiglia Voice of Kyle Howard
Claudia Pittelli Voice of Jennifer Love hewitt
Francesco Pezzulli Voice of Mooky Arizona
Alessia Amendola Voice of Amy Sakasitz
Mario Milita Voice of Ray Walston
Carlo Reali Voice of Wallace Shawn
Roberta Paladini Voice of Jamie Lee Curtis
Paolo Buglioni Voice of Christopher Mcdonald
Massimo Rinaldi Voice of Kevin Pollak