Database of cinema, music, history and literature

house of sand and fog (2003)

Original title: house of sand and fog
Production: USA|125 min|
Poster of movie house of sand and fog
two people are forced to take extreme measures to claim a home. although it is only a small bungalow in the northern part of california, for kathy lazaro it represents the last piece of hope to hold onto to rebuild a life almost destroyed by drug addiction. when a bureaucratic error forces her to be evicted, kathy finds herself suddenly homeless and without any possibility of blocking the sale of the house for a fraction of her real value. the new owner, massoud amir behrani, sees the house as the realization of the american dream that he has always pursued since he left iran with his family many years before. a former colonel of the iranian air force, behrani has reduced himself to performing humble tasks to support the fiction of an apparent well-being and now decides to invest the last savings of his life in the purchase of the house that, finally, will bring his family back to enjoy the prosperity of the past. as the struggle between kathy and behrani for the possession of the house becomes more and more tight, the woman finds an unlikely ally in the official sent to evict her, the deputy lester burdon, who becomes dangerously devoted to his cause.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Vadim PerelmanVadim Perelmanregista

Production and Screenplay

Vladimir Perelmanproduttore
Vladimir Perelmansceneggiatore
Lawrence Otto Shawnsceneggiatore
Michael Londonproduttore
Shawn Lawrence ottosceneggiatore
Vadim PerelmanVadim Perelmansceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Jennifer ConnellyJennifer Connelly(età:33)
(kathy nicolo)
Ben KingsleyBen Kingsley(età:60)
Shohreh AghdashlooShohreh Aghdashloo(età:51)
Ron EldardRon Eldard(età:38)
(lester burdon)
Carlos GómezCarlos Gómez(età:43)
(tenente alvarez)
Frances FisherFrances Fisher(età:51)
(Connie Walsh)
Kim DickensKim Dickens(età:38)
(Carol Burdon)
Jonathan AhdoutJonathan Ahdout(età:14)
Navi RawatNavi Rawat(età:26)
Carlos GómezCarlos Gómez(età:43)
(carlos gómez)
Carlos GómezCarlos Gómez(età:43)
Kia Jam(età:33)
Samira Damavandi
(Soraya piccola)
Matthew Simonian
(Esmail piccolo)
Ashley EdnerAshley Edner(età:13)

Technical staff

James HornerJames Hornermusiche
Lisa Zeno churginmontatore
Roger A. DeakinsRoger A. Deakinsdirettore della fotografia
Gene Serdenascenografo
Deborah AquilaDeborah Aquilacasting
Tricia Woodcasting
David Stocktondirettore della fotografia
Maria Javanscenografo
Drew Boughtonscenografo
Hala Bahmetcostumista
Kris Evanstruccatore
Dana E. Glaubermanmontatore
Maia Javanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2003)