Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Housekeeping (1987)

Original title: housekeeping
Production: USA|112 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie Housekeeping

Origin of the subject


Bill ForsythBill Forsythregista

Production and Screenplay

Bill ForsythBill Forsythsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Wayne Robson(età:41)
Anne Pitoniak(età:65)
Bill Smillie(età:65)

Technical staff

Michael Ellismontatore
Michael CoulterMichael Coulterdirettore della fotografia
John Willettscenografo
Mary Jane Reynercostumista
Jim Ericksonarredatore
Sandy Coopertruccatore
Michael Gibbsmusiche
Susan Boydparrucchiere
Thom Macintyreparrucchiere
Lynne Carrowcasting
Maurice Parkhursttruccatore