Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Howling III (1987)

Original title: howling iii
Production: Australia|98 min
Horror, Comedy, Fantasy
Poster of movie Howling III
a female werewolf runs away from her family, and falls in love with a man who works in the movie business, while a sociologist who studies these creatures is looking for proof of their existence.
This movie is episode 3 of the series howling composed by:


Philippe Moraregista

Production and Screenplay

Philippe Moraproduttore
Philippe Morasceneggiatore
Edward Simonsproduttore esecutivo
Robert Pringleproduttore esecutivo
Steven a. Laneproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Max Fairchild(età:41)
Frank ThringFrank Thring(età:61)
Michael PateMichael Pate(età:67)
Bill Collins(età:53)
Steve Shaw(età:22)
Eric Lee(età:39)
Peter Baird(età:36)
Roger Eagle(età:44)

Technical staff

Allan Zavodmusiche
Lee Smithmontatore
Brian Edmondsarredatore
Louis Irvingdirettore della fotografia
Bob McCarrontruccatore
Nik Dorningtruccatore
Ross Majorcostumista
Ross Majorscenografo
Belinda Villanitruccatore