Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Huayàng niánhuá (2000)

Original title: huayàng niánhuá
Production: Cina, Hong Kong|98 min
Dramatic, Romantic, Psychological
Poster of movie Huayàng niánhuá
in hong kong, in a condominium that gathers a community of shanghai, the editor-in-chief of a newspaper and the secretary of an export company, both married, one day discover that their respective partners are lovers, and between them there is a suffered complicity that drives them to reflect on the reasons for the betrayal.

Festivals and awards


Wong Kar-WaiWong Kar-Wairegista

Production and Screenplay

William Changproduttore
Wong Kar-WaiWong Kar-Waiproduttore
Wong Kar-WaiWong Kar-Waisceneggiatore
Wong Kar-WaiWong Kar-Waiscrittore
Ye-cheng Chanproduttore esecutivo
Jacky yee wah Pangproduttore
Gilles Cimentproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Maggie CheungMaggie Cheung(età:36)
(Li Chun)
Maggie CheungMaggie Cheung(età:36)
(su li-zhen (signora chan))
Maggie CheungMaggie Cheung(età:36)
(Maggie Cheung)
Tony Leung chiu-waiTony Leung chiu-wai(età:38)
(chow mo-wan)
Lai Chen
(mister Ho)
Ping Lam Siu
(Ah Ping)
Rebecca PanRebecca Pan(età:69)
(madame Suen)
Rebecca PanRebecca Pan(età:69)
(signora suen)
Kelly Lai chen(età:67)
(signor ho)
mrs. chow
mr. chan
Paulyn Sun(età:26)
Chanel ImanChanel Iman(età:10)

Technical staff

Nat King coleNat King colemusiche
William Changcostumista
William Changmontatore
William Changscenografo
Christopher DoyleChristopher Doyledirettore della fotografia
Michael Galassomusiche
Kwan Pung Leungdirettore della fotografia
Ping Bin leedirettore della fotografia
Mark Lee Ping-bindirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)