Database of cinema, music, history and literature

hummingbird (2013)

Original title: hummingbird
Production: UK, USA|100 min
Thriller, Action
Poster of movie hummingbird


Steven KnightSteven Knightregista

Production and Screenplay

Steven KnightSteven Knightsceneggiatore
Joe WrightJoe Wrightproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jason StathamJason Statham(età:46)
(joseph smith/joey jones)
Agata BuzekAgata Buzek(età:37)
Benedict WongBenedict Wong(età:42)
(mr. choy)
Vicky McclureVicky Mcclure(età:30)
Ger Ryan
(madre superiora)
Youssef KerkourYoussef Kerkour(età:35)
Anthony Morris
Christian BrassingtonChristian Brassington(età:30)
(max forrester)
Danny Webb(età:55)
Josef AltinJosef Altin(età:30)

Technical staff

Chris MengesChris Mengesdirettore della fotografia
Louise Stjernswardcostumista
Michael Carlinscenografo
Alex Joycetruccatore
Sarah Downestruccatore
Valerio BonelliValerio Bonellimontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2013)