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i am not an easy man (2018)

Original title: je ne suis pas un homme facile
Production: France|98 min
Poster of movie i am not an easy man
a shameless chauvinist gets a taste of his own medicine when he wakes up in a world dominated by women and locks horns with a powerful female author.


Production and Screenplay

Eleonore Pourriatsceneggiatore
Ariane Fertsceneggiatore
Ariane Fertscrittore
Ifunanya Madukaproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

boxing coach / bartender / teacher
Vincent ElbazVincent Elbaz(età:47)
Atmen Kelif(età:50)
Moon DaillyMoon Dailly(età:37)
Alan MaxsonAlan Maxson(età:34)

Technical staff

Sabine Fevretruccatore
Fred Avrilmusiche
Elise Fievetmontatore
Alice Cambournaccostumista
François Lalyparrucchiere
Pénélope Pourriatdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Music tracks of the soundtrack