Database of cinema, music, history and literature

I Am Your Father (2015)

Original title: i am your father
Production: Spain|83 min
Documentary, Historical
Poster of movie I Am Your Father
the story of the underappreciated bodybuilder, actor and star wars alumnus, david prowse.

Festivals and awards


Toni Bestardregista
Marcos Cabotáregista

Production and Screenplay

Toni Bestardproduttore
Toni Bestardsceneggiatore
Toni Bestardscrittore
Marcos Cabotáproduttore
Marcos Cabotásceneggiatore
Marcos Cabotáscrittore
Nacho Tejedorproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

David ProwseDavid Prowse(età:80)
George LucasGeorge Lucas(età:71)
Gary KurtzGary Kurtz(età:75)
Robert Watts(età:92)
Lou FerrignoLou Ferrigno(età:64)
Ben Burtt(età:67)

Voices and Dubbing