Database of cinema, music, history and literature

i giovani tigri (1968)

Original title: i giovani tigri
Production: Italy|104 min|
Dramatic, Violence, Crime
some young people, more out of boredom than out of a true criminal vocation, organize a coup against a stockbroker who deals in dirty money. the action succeeds and the young, to make money clean, pretend to find it in a suitcase convinced that the robbed, conscious of the illicit nature of the loot, can never claim it again.


Sofia ScandurraSofia Scandurraaiuto regista

Production and Screenplay

Antonio Leonviolasceneggiatore
Marina CicognaMarina Cicognaproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Helmut BergerHelmut Berger(età:23)
luca della porta
Elena Borgo(età:58)
Ray LovelockRay Lovelock(età:18)

Technical staff

Piero PiccioniPiero Piccionimusiche
Aldo TontiAldo Tontidirettore della fotografia
Gastone Carsettiscenografo
Antonio Serafinifotografo di scena
Giorgio Tontioperatore
Luigi Maniniorganizzatore generale
Gabriella Demarcocostumista
Gigi Alessitruccatore
Nicola Tamburoscenografo