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I, Madman (1989)

Original title: i, madman
Production: USA|89 min
Poster of movie I, Madman
virginia works in an antiquarian bookshop, but as soon as she arrives in her apartment, she loves to immerse herself in reading novels and horror stories. his favorite writer is the mysterious malcolm brandt, author of gruesome stories. when, at the door of the house, virginia finds 'i, madman', brandt's last work, reality will begin to resemble more and more the plot of the book, with the entrance into the scene of a mad assassin determined to rebuild the his face disfigured with pieces of his many victims and a horrid creature for half a man and half a jackal.

Festivals and awards


Tibor TakacsTibor Takacsregista

Production and Screenplay

David Chaskinsceneggiatore
David Chaskinscrittore
Moshe DiamantMoshe Diamantproduttore esecutivo
Rafael Eisenmanproduttore
Paul Masonproduttore esecutivo
Helen Sarluiproduttore esecutivo
Eduard Sarluiproduttore esecutivo
Helen Szaboproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jenny WrightJenny Wright(età:27)
Malcolm Brandt
Nelson WelchNelson Welch(età:84)
Bruce Wagner(età:35)
Murray Rubin(età:64)
Steven Memel(età:33)
Bob Frank(età:61)
Kevin Best(età:30)

Technical staff

Randall William Cookeffetti speciali
Michael Hoeningmusiche
Marcus Mantonmontatore
Bryan Englanddirettore della fotografia
David Chaskindirettore della fotografia
Ed Mitchellcasting
Michael HoenigMichael Hoenigmusiche
Bill Myertruccatore
David A. Koneffarredatore
Matthew c. Jacobsscenografo
Ron Wilsonscenografo
Robert Litvakcasting
Tori Nourafchanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1988)