Database of cinema, music, history and literature

i've heard the mermaids singing (1987)

Original title: i've heard the mermaids singing
Production: Canada|85 min|
Comedy, Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie i've heard the mermaids singing
polly, a shy and clumsy single girl, becomes the secretary of the beautiful and ambitious owner of a modern art gallery in toronto. this represents, in its display of haughty security in every social and private circumstance, an unattainable model of life for polly who often lets herself go to daydreams in which the roles are reversed. polly's boundless admiration for her boss undergoes a first trauma when she discovers the love affair between the director and a young artist. but the tragicomic decisive event will occur when the naive polly realizes that the object of her adoration has lied to her about her talent.


Patricia Rozemaregista

Production and Screenplay

Patricia Rozemaproduttore
Patricia Rozemasceneggiatore
Alexandra Raffeproduttore
Don Haigproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Polly Vandersma
Gabrielle St.Peres, gallerista
Mary Joseph, pittrice

Technical staff

Patricia Rozemadirettore della fotografia
Patricia Rozemamontatore
Mark Korvenmusiche
Douglas Kochdirettore della fotografia
Martine Matthewscostumista
Alexandra Z.costumista
Valanne Ridgewayscenografo