Database of cinema, music, history and literature

goodnight mommy (2014)

Original title: ich seh, ich seh
99 min
Horror, Thriller, Violence
Poster of movie goodnight mommy
twin boys move to a new home with their mother after she has face changing cosmetic surgery, but under her bandages is someone the children don't recognize.

Festivals and awards


Veronika FranzVeronika Franzregista
Severin FialaSeverin Fialaregista

Production and Screenplay

Ulrich SeidlUlrich Seidlproduttore
Veronika FranzVeronika Franzsceneggiatore
Severin FialaSeverin Fialasceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Susanne Wuest(età:35)
il prete
il sacrestano
the mother
croce rossa #1
croce rossa 2#
Ruth LeuwerikRuth Leuwerik(età:90)
Michael AndeMichael Ande(età:70)

Technical staff

Martin Gschlachtdirettore della fotografia
Hannes Salatscenografo
Tanja Hausnercostumista
Martha Ruesstruccatore
Hubert Klausnerscenografo
Olga NeuwirthOlga Neuwirthmusiche
Michael Palmmontatore
Eva Rothcasting
Roman Braunhofertruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2014)

Maurizio FiorentiniMaurizio Fiorentini Voice of il prete
Pieraldo FerrantePieraldo Ferrante Voice of surgelati
Marco Fumarola Voice of il sacrestano
Stefania Piras Voice of croce rossa #1
Nunzia Di SommaNunzia Di Somma Voice of the mother
Nicola BraileNicola Braile Voice of croce rossa 2#