Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The General's Practitioner (1977)

Original title: the general's practitioner
Production: USA|25 min| tv series
Dramatic, Comedy, War
general korshak wants hawkeye to be his personal practitioner, despite his constant snottiness. and radar helps take care of a soldier's half-korean baby after he is shipped back home.


Alan RafkinAlan Rafkinregista

Production and Screenplay

Gene ReynoldsGene Reynoldsproduttore esecutivo
Allan Katzproduttore
Burt MetcalfeBurt Metcalfeproduttore
Don Reoproduttore
Burt PrelutskyBurt Prelutskyscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Alan AldaAlan Alda(età:41)
Gary BurghoffGary Burghoff(età:34)
Edward BinnsEdward Binns(età:61)
Larry WilcoxLarry Wilcox(età:30)
Loretta SwitLoretta Swit(età:40)
Mike FarrellMike Farrell(età:38)
Jamie FarrJamie Farr(età:43)
Harry MorganHarry Morgan(età:62)
Jill Schulz(età:19)

Technical staff

Rodger Mausscenografo
Fred W. Bergermontatore
Stanford TischlerStanford Tischlermontatore
William k. Jurgensendirettore della fotografia
Bert Allenarredatore