Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Starsky's Brother (1978)

Original title: starsky's brother
Production: USA|46 min| tv series
Action, Dramatic, Crime
starsky's little brother, a smalltime hustler, arrives in town to visit starsky. he's approached by the mob and he thinks he's become a big fish until he gets caught up in a net he can't get out of without starsky's help.


Arthur Marksregista

Production and Screenplay

Leonard GoldbergLeonard Goldbergproduttore esecutivo
Aaron SpellingAaron Spellingproduttore esecutivo
Joseph t. Naarproduttore
Michael Hiattproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Joan ShawleeJoan Shawlee(età:52)
John HerzfeldJohn Herzfeld(età:31)
David SoulDavid Soul(età:35)
Brenda Venus(età:31)
Jill Jaress(età:31)
Jack O'leary(età:43)

Technical staff

Alan SilvestriAlan Silvestrimusiche
Walter Schenktruccatore
Dave L.lovearredatore
George W. brooksmontatore
Diane Mazurparrucchiere
Paul Sylosscenografo
Layne Brittontruccatore
Kathleen Lawrencecostumista
Jimmy l. Albertdirettore della fotografia
David Rawleycostumista
James j. Agazziscenografo