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The Game (1978)

Original title: the game
Production: USA|47 min| tv series
Dramatic, Action, Crime
after the duo fail to capture a wanted felon, hutch bets that he can successfully elude starsky for 48 hours. the game becomes deadly serious when starsky discovers that hutch has unknowingly eaten soup contaminated with botulism.


Leo PennLeo Pennregista

Production and Screenplay

Leonard GoldbergLeonard Goldbergproduttore esecutivo
Aaron SpellingAaron Spellingproduttore esecutivo
Joseph t. Naarproduttore
Michael Hiattproduttore
Rick Edelsteinscrittore
Tim Maschlerscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Jack GingJack Ging(età:47)
David SoulDavid Soul(età:35)
Liz TorresLiz Torres(età:31)
Raymond Allen(età:49)

Technical staff

Walter Schenktruccatore
Mark SnowMark Snowmusiche
Dave L.lovearredatore
George W. brooksmontatore
Diane Mazurparrucchiere
Paul Sylosscenografo
Layne Brittontruccatore
Eduardo Riccidirettore della fotografia
Kathleen Lawrencecostumista
David Rawleycostumista
James j. Agazziscenografo