Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Hound of the Baskervilles (1988)

Original title: the hound of the baskervilles
Production: UK|105 min| tv series
Horror, Dramatic, Mystery
Poster of movie The Hound of the Baskervilles
when the latest heir to the baskerville estate seems to be threatened by a family curse, only the master detective, sherlock holmes, can find out the truth.

Origin of the subject


Brian Millsregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Coxproduttore esecutivo
June Wyndham-daviesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jeremy BrettJeremy Brett(età:55)
Ronald PickupRonald Pickup(età:48)
Donald Bisset(età:78)
Don Mckillop(età:59)

Technical staff

Patrick Gowersmusiche
Katy Turnercostumista
Alan Ringlandmontatore
Joan Mccanncasting
Ruth Quinntruccatore
James Weatherupscenografo