Database of cinema, music, history and literature

il potere magico (1987)

Original title: rumpelstiltskin
Production: USA|84 min| |


Production and Screenplay

Menahem GolanMenahem Golanproduttore
David Irving (regista)David Irving (regista)sceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Amy IrvingAmy Irving(età:34)
Robert Symonds(età:61)
Clive RevillClive Revill(età:57)
(re mezzer)
Priscilla PointerPriscilla Pointer(età:63)
(regina grizelda)
John Moulder-brown(età:34)
(principe henry)
Yehuda Efroni(età:56)
(conte flax)
Billy BartyBilly Barty(età:63)

Technical staff

Charlie Leonscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1987)