Database of cinema, music, history and literature

il rally più pazzo d'africa (1982)

Original title: safari 3000
Production: USA|91 min| |


Harry Hurwitzregista

Production and Screenplay

Jules V. levysceneggiatore
Michael Harreschousceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

David CarradineDavid Carradine(età:46)
(Eddie Mills)
Stockard ChanningStockard Channing(età:38)
(j.j. dalton)
Christopher LeeChristopher Lee(età:60)
(conte borgia)
Hamilton CampHamilton Camp(età:48)
Ian Yule
(freddie selkirk)
Hugh Rouse(età:62)
Mary Ann berold
(victoria hawthorne)
Peter J. ElliottPeter J. Elliott(età:52)
(stewart simmons)
Cocky Two bull
(rally car salesman)
Ben Masinga
(zulu chief)
Mackson Ngobeni
(giudice urpa)

Technical staff

Ernest GoldErnest Goldmusiche
Samuel E. beetleymontatore