Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Sign of Four (1987)

Original title: the sign of four
Production: UK|103 min| tv series
Dramatic, Thriller, Mystery
Poster of movie The Sign of Four
the disappearance of a young woman's father and a mysterious note years later after the strange regular annual delivery of valuable pearls to her puts sherlock holmes on the case.

Origin of the subject


Peter Hammondregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Coxproduttore esecutivo
June Wyndham-daviesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jeremy BrettJeremy Brett(età:54)
Ronald Lacey(età:52)
Lila Kaye(età:58)
Kiran Shah(età:31)
Emrys James(età:59)
John ThawJohn Thaw(età:45)
Tommy Wright(età:43)
Dave AtkinsDave Atkins(età:47)
Alf Joint(età:60)
Robin Hunter(età:58)
Badi Uzzaman(età:48)
William Ash(età:10)
Derek DeadmanDerek Deadman(età:47)
Ishaq Bux(età:70)

Technical staff

Ray Goodedirettore della fotografia
Patrick Gowersmusiche
Tim Wildingscenografo
Glenda Woodtruccatore
Esther Deancostumista
Anthony Hammontatore