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Better Living Through Morganite - Part 2 (1995)

Original title: better living through morganite - part 2
tv series
Science fiction, Adventure
with narration by morgan, mary appears with the terrians who want retribution against bess, morgan and yale. as the group struggles to break the lock code and restore the affected area, the sun stones reveal the truth of yale's past.


Frank De palmaregista

Production and Screenplay

Janace Tashjianproduttore
Michael Dugganproduttore esecutivo
P.k. Simondsscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Clancy BrownClancy Brown(età:48)
Tim CurryTim Curry(età:49)
Kirk TrutnerKirk Trutner(età:34)
Terry O'quinnTerry O'quinn(età:43)
Jeff KoberJeff Kober(età:42)
David Elliott(età:46)
Jessica SteenJessica Steen(età:30)
Brian SteeleBrian Steele(età:39)
Tierre TurnerTierre Turner(età:35)
Leslie Cook(età:42)

Technical staff

Marie Del pretetruccatore
Todd TuckerTodd Tuckertruccatore
David Bergeaudmusiche
Angela NogaroAngela Nogarotruccatore
Tim Tommasinomontatore