Database of cinema, music, history and literature

il siero della vanità (2004)

Original title: il siero della vanita'
92 min|
the country is upset when, one by one, some of the most famous characters of the show disappear into thin air. tv guru sonia norton, owner of the show of the same name, does not hesitate to call it 'an unprecedented attack on the heart of the nation'. the media is unleashed. investigators grope in the dark. lucia allasco is a former inspector of p.s. not yet recovered from a tragic accident two years earlier during a police operation. following these disappearances, lucia was called back into service and was accompanied by an old colleague, franco berardi. it takes little to lucia and franco to notice a direct connection between sonia norton show and the missing characters. the survey will lead to the discovery of an underwater world where to appear is more vital than breathing. and where the mildest of men can be transformed into the most ruthless murderer.

Festivals and awards


Alex InfascelliAlex Infascelliregista

Production and Screenplay

Antonio ManziniAntonio Manzinisceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Sonia Norton
daniele "mago daniel" esposito
azzurra rispoli
vittorio terracciano
Franco Berardi
matteo de muzzi
Lucia Allasco
Michele Benda
pasquale terracciano
Ester Bonanni
Rocco piccolo
michel simone
uomo gatto nello show del toro scoreggione
Luis MolteniLuis Molteni(età:54)
Marco CortesiMarco Cortesi(età:25)
Marica CocoMarica Coco(età:29)

Technical staff

Esmeralda Calabriamontatore
Stefano Ricciottidirettore della fotografia
WomanElisabetta Montaldocostumista
Cosimo GomezCosimo Gomezscenografo