Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Tall Story (1960)

Original title: tall story
Production: USA|91 min| black and white
Comedy, Sports
Poster of movie Tall Story
a young insecure college sportsman is in trouble. he wants to marry his very straightforward girlfriend, also a student, but has no money. when he is offered a bribe to fix a game, he is torn even more about the matter.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Joshua Loganregista

Production and Screenplay

Joshua Loganproduttore
Ben Kadishproduttore
Julius J. EpsteinJulius J. Epsteinsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Elizabeth PattersonElizabeth Patterson(età:86)
Tom LaughlinTom Laughlin(età:29)
(fred jensen)
Jane FondaJane Fonda(età:23)
(june ryder)
Anne JacksonAnne Jackson(età:35)
(myra sullivan)
Anthony PerkinsAnthony Perkins(età:28)
(ray blent)
Murray HamiltonMurray Hamilton(età:37)
(sandy hardy)
Marc ConnellyMarc Connelly(età:70)
(professor charles osman)
Ray WalstonRay Walston(età:46)
(professor leo sullivan)
Bart Burns(età:42)
(procuratore davis)
Gary LockwoodGary Lockwood(età:23)
Brad HarrisBrad Harris(età:27)
Bob Wright(età:46)
Mary BenoitMary Benoit(età:49)
Herb VigranHerb Vigran(età:50)
Ken Wales(età:22)
Karl LukasKarl Lukas(età:41)
Sam Balter(età:51)
Joe E. ross(età:46)
Stephen Ferry(età:35)
James Drake(età:28)
Tony ReganTony Regan(età:52)
Mathew MccueMathew Mccue(età:65)
Joseph Marr(età:44)
Hal TaggartHal Taggart(età:64)
Van WilliamsVan Williams(età:26)
Fred AldrichFred Aldrich(età:56)
John Rockwell(età:22)
Don DillawayDon Dillaway(età:57)
Monty O'GradyMonty O'Grady(età:44)
Lyn Guild(età:38)

Technical staff

Ellsworth FredericksEllsworth Fredericksdirettore della fotografia
Kay Nelsoncostumista
Jack Poplinscenografo
Gordon BauGordon Bautruccatore
Karl Silveratruccatore
William L. kuehlarredatore
Philip W. andersonmontatore
Olga Collingsparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1960)