Database of cinema, music, history and literature

in the cool of the day (1963)

Original title: in the cool of the day
Production: USA|89 min|
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic


Robert Stevensregista
Jake Wrightregista

Production and Screenplay

Meade Robertssceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

murray logan
Peter FinchPeter Finch(età:47)
christine bonner
Jane FondaJane Fonda(età:26)
sybil logan
sam bonner
Arthur HillArthur Hill(età:41)
mrs. nina gellert
frederick bonner
leonard groves
dr. arraman
dickie bayliss
Alec Mccowen(età:38)
lily kendrick

Technical staff

Thomas Stanfordmontatore
Ken AdamKen Adamscenografo
Peter Newbrookdirettore della fotografia
Pierre BalmainPierre Balmaincostumista
Tom Howardeffetti speciali
Francis Chagrinmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1963)