Database of cinema, music, history and literature

in the navy (1941)

Original title: in the navy
Production: USA|86 min| black and white|
a famous singer who works on the radio, tired of his job, he enlisted as a sailor. the military officer who registers him is forced to give his real name, which nobody knows. but on his trail there is a journalist helped by two bunglers, abbott and costello.


Arthur LubinArthur Lubinregista

Production and Screenplay

Arthur T. hormansceneggiatore
John Grantsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Bud AbbottBud Abbott(età:46)
Lou CostelloLou Costello(età:35)
Claire DoddClaire Dodd(età:33)
(claire dodd)
Richard Crane(età:23)
Dick ForanDick Foran(età:31)
Shemp HowardShemp Howard(età:46)
Billy Lenhart(età:11)

Technical staff

Gene Depaulmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1941)