Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Indecent Behavior (1993)

Original title: indecent behavior
Production: USA
Thriller, Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie Indecent Behavior
the wealthy patient of a famous analyst is found dead: initially he thinks of a heart attack, but later it turns out that it was a murder and that the therapist herself could be in danger of death.


Lawrence Lanoffregista

Production and Screenplay

Rosalind Robinsonsceneggiatore
Rosalind Robinsonscrittore
Richard Goldbergproduttore esecutivo
Marc L. greenbergproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Gary HudsonGary Hudson(età:37)
Penny Peyser(età:42)
Shannon TweedShannon Tweed(età:34)
Ken Steadman(età:24)

Technical staff

Randy Millermusiche
Tony Millermontatore
Lori Cobecasting
Bridget Bergmantruccatore
Roger Nallscenografo
David BlassDavid Blassscenografo
Ela Barczewskaparrucchiere
Charmian Espinozacostumista