Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)

Original title: guess who's coming to dinner
Production: USA|108 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
a couple's attitudes are challenged when their daughter introduces them to her african-american fiancã©.

Festivals and awards


Stanley KramerStanley Kramerregista

Production and Screenplay

Stanley KramerStanley Kramerproduttore
ManWilliam Rosesceneggiatore
ManWilliam Rosescrittore
Georges Glassproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Tom HeatonTom Heaton(età:27)
Alexandra HayAlexandra Hay(età:20)
Katharine HepburnKatharine Hepburn(età:60)
(Christina Drayton)
Barbara Randolph(età:25)
D'urville Martin(età:28)
Grace Gaynor(età:34)
Spencer TracySpencer Tracy(età:67)
(Matt Drayton)
Virginia ChristineVirginia Christine(età:50)
(hilary st. george)
Katharine HoughtonKatharine Houghton(età:22)
(joanna drayton)
Isabel SanfordIsabel Sanford(età:50)
(matilde "tilly" binks)
Cecil KellawayCecil Kellaway(età:76)
(monsignor mike ryan)
Beah RichardsBeah Richards(età:47)
(mary prentice)
Roy Glenn(età:53)
(john prentice sr.)
Sidney PoitierSidney Poitier(età:40)
(john wade prentice)
Natalie Core(età:48)
Skip Martin(età:20)
John Hudkins(età:49)
Yuki Tani(età:31)

Technical staff

Sam Leavittdirettore della fotografia
ManRobert Clatworthyscenografo
Ben LaneBen Lanetruccatore
Robert C. Jonesmontatore
Frank De volFrank De volmusiche
Joe Di bellatruccatore
Helen Huntparrucchiere
Frank A. Tuttlescenografo
Frank A. Tuttlescenografo
Frank A. Tuttlearredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1967)