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Inferno (2002)

Original title: inferno
Production: USA
Action, Dramatic, Catastrophic
Poster of movie Inferno
a fire chief (gunn) is investigating the cause of a string of blazes that threaten to destroy her small town, while at the same time dealing with her teen daughter's rebelliousness.


Dusty Nelsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Dusty Nelsonsceneggiatore
Dusty Nelsonscrittore
Michael Jacobsproduttore
Joseph Broidoproduttore
Kenneth Burkeproduttore
William t. Baumannproduttore esecutivo
Bruce d. Johnsonproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Jeff FaheyJeff Fahey(età:47)
Janet GunnJanet Gunn(età:41)
Lukas BehnkenLukas Behnken(età:23)

Technical staff

Peggy Paolaarredatore
Rick Walkenscenografo
Joy Zimmermanmontatore
Jeff Marshmusiche
Kevin Ian ackermancostumista
Michelle Lindsayparrucchiere