Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Instinct (1999)

Original title: instinct
Production: USA|126 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie Instinct
ethan powell, once a brilliant monkey scholar, hides a secret that no one can manage to solve, not even investigators who arrested him for some murders in the rwandan jungle. imprisoned in a criminal asylum, he risks the death penalty and is entrusted to the ambitious psychiatrist theo caulder. the patient, who has not spoken for years, closes in on himself, while the doctor, willing to do anything to solve the riddle, seeks help from his daughter, lyn. thanks to caulder's tenacity, the mystery comes to the fore: the origins of powell's madness go back to the period the scholar spent with mountain gorillas who accepted it as one of them, but it won't be easy to find out what happened.

Origin of the subject


Jon TurteltaubJon Turteltaubregista

Production and Screenplay

Wolfgang PetersenWolfgang Petersenproduttore esecutivo
Wolfgang PetersenWolfgang Petersensceneggiatore
Gail Katzproduttore esecutivo
Gail Katzsceneggiatore
Hunt Lowryproduttore
Barbara Boyleproduttore
Christina Steinbergproduttore
Richard Lernerproduttore
Brian Doubledayproduttore
Gerald Di pegosceneggiatore
Gerald Di pegoscrittore
Michael TaylorMichael Taylorproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

ethan powell
theo caulder
Theo Caulder, psichiatra
ben hillard
lynn powell
Maura TierneyMaura Tierney(età:34)
dottor john murray
John AshtonJohn Ashton(età:49)
warden keefer
John AylwardJohn Aylward(età:53)
Doug SpinuzzaDoug Spinuzza(età:32)
Paul Bates(età:41)
dottor josephson
Pat Mcnamara(età:66)
Rod MclachlanRod Mclachlan(età:39)
Rex LinnRex Linn(età:43)
guardiano #1
guardiano #2
Misty RosasMisty Rosas(età:26)
Kevin McnallyKevin Mcnally(età:43)
Marc MacaulayMarc Macaulay(età:42)
Verne TroyerVerne Troyer(età:30)
Rus BlackwellRus Blackwell(età:36)
Kevin Mcguire(età:25)
Tory KittlesTory Kittles(età:24)
Jon Freda(età:49)
Ivonne CollIvonne Coll(età:52)
Colin Spaull(età:62)
Ray BufferRay Buffer(età:30)
Don Langley(età:52)

Technical staff

Philippe RousselotPhilippe Rousselotdirettore della fotografia
Danny ElfmanDanny Elfmanmusiche
Jill M.ohannesoncostumista
Garreth StoverGarreth Stoverscenografo
John Blaketruccatore
Renee Rousselotcasting
Larry Diasarredatore
Christine Beveridgeparrucchiere
Chris Cornwellscenografo
Daniel Curetparrucchiere
Lee Grimestruccatore
John M. elliott jr.truccatore
Selena Evans-millertruccatore
Stacye p. Brancheparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1999)