Database of cinema, music, history and literature

intermezzo, a love story (1939)

Original title: intermezzo: a love story
70 min| black and white

Festivals and awards


Gregory RatoffGregory Ratoffregista

Production and Screenplay

George O'neilsceneggiatore
Gustaf MolanderGustaf Molandersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

holger brandt
anita hoffman
margit brandt
thomas stenborg
manager )
ann marie brandt
leslie howard
ingrid bergman
edna best
john halliday
cecil kellaway
Leslie HowardLeslie Howard(età:46)
Ann ToddAnn Todd(età:30)
John HallidayJohn Halliday(età:55)
Edna BestEdna Best(età:39)
Enid BennettEnid Bennett(età:46)
Douglas Scott(età:14)
Ann E. ToddAnn E. Todd(età:8)

Technical staff

Max SteinerMax Steinermusiche
Gregg Tolanddirettore della fotografia
Travis BantonTravis Bantoncostumista
Heinz Prevostmusiche
Louis Forbesmusiche
ManCasey Robertsscenografo
Lyle R. WheelerLyle R. Wheelerscenografo
Francis D. LyonFrancis D. Lyonmontatore
Heinz Provostmusiche

Voices and Dubbing