Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Irène (2002)

Original title: irène
Production: France|98 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie Irène
irã¨ne is a beautiful girl working in paris, she soon meets a manager and hopes a love story with him. but he tells a lie, so she falls in love with a house painter.

Festivals and awards


Ivan Calbéracregista

Production and Screenplay

Eric Assoussceneggiatore
Thierry Denavacelleproduttore
Ivan Calbéracsceneggiatore
Benoît Labourdettesceneggiatore
Phillip b. Goldfineproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Bruno PutzuluBruno Putzulu(età:35)
Evelyne Buyle(età:54)

Technical staff

Sylvie OlivéSylvie Olivéscenografo
Vincent Mathiasdirettore della fotografia
Laurent Akninmusiche
Paul Wellermusiche
Diane Loganmontatore
Laurence Struzcostumista