Database of cinema, music, history and literature

iris (2000)

Original title: iris
Production: Italy|73 min
Comedy, Dramatic
Poster of movie iris
maria is a little girl from ustica who takes a long, for her, journey on foot to find flowers to give to her mother for her birthday.


Production and Screenplay

Aurelio GrimaldiAurelio Grimaldisceneggiatore
Anna Maria Coglitoresceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Guia JeloGuia Jelo(età:48)

Technical staff

Aurelio GrimaldiAurelio Grimaldicostumista
Aurelio GrimaldiAurelio Grimaldiscenografo
Maria Soldatinimusiche
Massimo Intoppadirettore della fotografia
César Meneghettimontatore
Mario Soldatinimusiche