Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Irradiés (2020)

Original title: irradiés
Production: France|88 min
Poster of movie Irradiés
a film about people who have survived the irradiation of war and is recommended to those who believe they are immune to it. an extreme, necessary film that penetrates the eye and heart with unyielding force.

Festivals and awards


Rithy Panhregista

Production and Screenplay

Catherine Dussartproduttore
Rithy Panhproduttore
Rithy Panhsceneggiatore
Christophe Bataillesceneggiatore
Agnès Sénémaudsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

André WilmsAndré Wilms(età:73)

Technical staff

Marc Mardermusiche
Prum Mesadirettore della fotografia
Rithy Panhmontatore